Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Description of animation

Trailer https://youtu.be/N6j3YLjKqx8
Gameplay https://youtu.be/Trsmte1cZXU

This is a shooter game animation. Its target market is like teenagers to young adults because it is sort of a game that you would not want to play once your really young or old. It is computer animated because it would be the best for games and it suits it. The developer of counter strike: Global Offensive is valve cooperation the animators were Minh Le And Jess Cliffe. counter Strike Global Offensive was made on august 21, 2012. I think the way it was animated is good because it has good animations and how it is done is amazing.

peer review:  you could of done more work in the time we had, but the work you did make was of good quality. well done for getting the pictures and links.

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Ink Printing

I made an ink printing on cup of tea and here are the steps on how to make it.
Step 1. I got a piece of paper with a shiny side and a rough side.
Step 2. I had to put ink on it
Step 3. I made the ink the right thickness and then put a card on it.
Step 4. I Put A Sheet Of Paper With A Picture On It And Drawn Over It and it printed on the Other Side.

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Evaluation For Final Piece

My cause for concern is for bullying. I chose bullying because i don't like it and feel like it a bad thing to do. Also i choose it because i thought i could base a good final piece towards bullying. Also it felt like it could inspire some people to stop bullying to see how bad it is.

People would see my poster on websites and it could pop up like an ad. Also once you click on the ad it would take you to a different webpage and it would say bad stuff about bullying and suggest why you  shouldn't do it. The final piece would be the main background of the page.

I have made the background look dull because it is saying that bullying is a bad a dull thing to do.and the writing look like a bright colour so it stands out and that people would read it more. I used the threshold filter to make the background look like what it looks like. And i just changed some text to create the text and just messed around with it.

My piece works well because the way it stands out and the background has been  changed with the bright colour on it so the writing says 'Would You Like It If This Happened To You' So it would make people think no i wouldn't so it would make them  think no i wouldn't like it so it would make them stop.

The target audience is based around everyone and mostly towards the people who are being bullied and the people who are being bullied

Friday, 20 March 2015

Mind Map Of Things Of Fianl Piece

Surfers Against Sewage
Life Is Not A Game

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Andy Warhol Recreation

I made this by getting a picture of a celebrity and changing into a style of any work of Andy Warhol. First I had to get a picture on the internet. Then i had to put into photoshop and changed it to a threshold image. After that I had to use the magic wand tool and take out all the white so i could change the colour of the background. Then i did that but changed the colour of the face too. Then i duplicated it and put it into a new a4 sheet of paper. After that i duplicated the image 6 times and changed the hype/saturation of all the pictures to make them a different colour.

I like my image because it reminds me of Andy Warhol's work. Also it is very colourful, I like colourful.It can be improved by making the ears more clearer


Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Trip to town

On that day we had to go around with a camera with was made from a quality street box. We had to take a picture at what ever we wanted to. We also took a picture of ourselves. We spent most of the day there. We took the picture by making the light reflect on paper and it made the picture. I enjoyed it but it got a bit boring once we kept repeating it.